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Quick Help For Commonly Asked Questions

Quick Help For Commonly Asked Questions

Common FAQs Quick Answers

From where Does the System Take My Cost of Goods?

The system retrieves the cost of goods from the cost price entered in the product information. However, if there is a Purchase Order with a later date than the cost date specified in the product information, the system will use the cost from the Purchase Order instead of the cost entered in the product information.

Why Can’t I Click on a Kit SKU?

The reason you cannot click into a kit SKU is that a kit does not have its own dedicated details page, as it is composed of multiple products. However, you can click on the small dropdown arrow located on the side to expand and view the SKUs included in the kit.

Why Is My Amazon Store Sync Off?

Your Amazon store may not sync if the connection hasn’t been reauthorized in the past 12 months. . You can simply go ahead and reauthorize your Amazon store to Inventory Ahead and all should be good. Click here for a simple and easy guide on how to do that.

Can I Make One SKU For a Sub and a Kit?

There is no option to include a sub-SKU as part of a kit in Inventory Ahead. Instead, to set up a kit, you need to input the main SKU and not the sub-SKU. If your sub-SKU represents a multiple pack that should be included in the kit, you should add the main SKU of that product to the kit. You can then specify the number of units that should be included in the kit.

Where is the cost + shipping on the product details taken from?

On the product details page, the cost of an item is automatically updated from the POs. However, the cost + shipping is only visible on the product details page if it was manually entered for that specific product. The reason why you do not see the updated cost + shipping from a PO is that you can’t enter shipping costs for individual products on a PO; shipping costs are associated with the entire purchase order.

Why is my product not being listed?

The reason the ASIN is not listed when listing a product could be due to Amazon rejecting the product based on their restrictions and regulations. It’s advisable to review the listing information for this product to ensure that no essential details are missing.