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How to Add a 3rd-Party Warehouse Via Google Sheet

On your Google sheet:

  • Click File > Share > Publish to web.
  • On the following popup, select the appropriate sheet.
  • And on the right dropdown, select CSV.
  • Click Publish.
  • Copy the provided link.

In Inventory Ahead:

  • Navigate to the Settings Page > Locations.
  • Click on “Add new Location”.
  • On the following page, fill out all required information.
  • Under “Location type” select “3rd party Warehouse”.
  1. Data Link – Paste the link here.
  2. SKU column name – Select the right column from the dropdown menu.
  3. Quantity column name – Select the right column from the dropdown menu.

Click on the “Add new location” button, and you are all set!

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