Amazon removals work similarly to purchase orders, except for the fact that you cannot edit it; you still have the option to view details, receive inventory, add notes to the SKU, print UPC, print the FNSKU label, and mark it as closed. Amazon removals have two kinds of statuses: amazon status and your status. Amazon has three statuses, pending, complete, and canceled (you can’t edit it.). You have two types of statuses which are open and closed. Below you will see where you can change the status and the other functionalities of the page.
To view details:
To mark as closed:
The two ways of receiving removals items:
1. On the main page, locate the desired item and click on the ellipsis icon. From the dropdown menu, select the “Receiving Removal Items” button.
2. Click on the “Receive Inventory” button on the right-hand corner of the removals details page.
To print the FNSKU label or UPC:
For the UPC:
For the FNSKU, follow the steps below:
1. Click on print FNSKU, then fill in the information
2. Click print
For a custom label size:
Select “Custom” as the label size, fill in the necessary information, and then click on the “Print” button.
To add notes on the SKU: