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How To Do A Warehouse Transfer.

Navigate to the “Warehouse Transfer” page by clicking on “Inventory Transfer” in the left-hand side menu.

Click on the “Add new” button located in the top right corner.

In the “Ship from” bar, select the warehouse from which you want to transfer inventory from the dropdown menu. Then, in the “Ship to” bar, select the warehouse to which you want the inventory to be transferred.

Then click on the browse button.

Select all the products you wish to transfer by checking the corresponding checkboxes. Once you have selected the desired products, click on the “Add to Inventory Transfer” button located at the bottom of the page.

Fill in all the required boxes as per your requirements.

Click on the “Save” button.

Once the transfer is created, click on the transfer to open it.

Click on the “Receive inventory” in the top right-hand corner.

Select the receiving location and date from their respective columns.

Fill in the required boxes at the bottom.

If you do not want to select manually just click on “accept all unreceived inventory”. This will automatically receive all the inventory available in the selected warehouse.

In the end, click on the “Save” button.

Now you are all set to receive your inventory.

How to get your support tickets resolved faster

To ensure a faster resolution of your reported issue, providing detailed information is crucial. Here are some guidelines:

1- If you have screenshots related to the problem, please include them. Screenshots can provide valuable visual information.

2- If you have recorded a video demonstrating the issue you’re experiencing, please include it. Videos can be highly informative and help us understand the problem more effectively.

We recommend a free service called Loom for creating these videos. (this is a link to

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