Inventory Ahead offers the flexibility to add another warehouse to an FBA shipment. This feature allows you to specify a different address for the shipment labels, separate from the warehouse where the inventory will be deducted from.
The first thing to do is to add a new location, with the location type “address”.
Navigate to “Locations” on the Settings page.
Select to add a new location.
Enter the desired address information and select the “Location Type” to be “Address”.
Then, click on “Add new location”.
Now, with this new location added, you can go to any FBA shipment that you would like on the labels to display a different address than the warehouse where the inventory will be deducted. At step 1 of the shipment, click on “Add other ship from address”.
Select the new address that was created.
Now, the labels for this shipment will show the new address.