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How Does Inventory Ahead Report Inventory for Seller-fulfilled and WFS Items?

We are pleased to announce a significant revision in our approach to reporting inventory to Walmart. Previously, our protocol involved disabling the inventory rule and setting the uploaded inventory to zero when a product transitioned from seller-fulfilled to Walmart-fulfilled. This was logical as there was no necessity to transmit inventory information to Walmart for items it was fulfilling. Typically, once an item switched to Walmart-fulfilled status, it remained as such.

However, recent research has brought to light a distinct aspect of Walmart’s operations. It has come to our attention that when an item, fulfilled by Walmart (WFS), has zero WFS stock, it may revert to being seller-fulfilled or assume a status referred to as ‘WFS eligible’. In cases where the item still possesses stock from its previous seller-fulfilled status, Walmart willingly accepts orders for that item on its website from the respective seller.

Taking this discovery into account, we have made adjustments to our system for Walmart items. Henceforth, even if a product is Walmart-fulfilled or in WFS status, we will continue to report your seller-fulfilled inventory to Walmart. Our system will continue to manage it, and you will have the option to set the seller-fulfilled inventory to zero, just like any other seller-fulfilled item.

In essence, this modification implies that even for a Walmart WFS item, you will still be able to provide seller-fulfilled inventory details, as you would for any standard seller-fulfilled product.

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