First, please note that when you create an FBA shipment on Amazon, it will deduct inventory from the default stock location.
If you want to view the default stock location, please navigate to the “Settings” page from the left side menu and select “Selling Channels” from there.
There, you can view the default stock location for each store. If you perform an FBA shipment for the Amazon store mentioned below, the inventory will be automatically deducted from the selected warehouse.
But if you wish to deduct inventory from a different warehouse for a specific shipment, you can navigate to the “FBA shipment” page from the left-hand side menu.
And then select the related shipment.
This will take you to the page where you can see all the shipment details. You can change the default warehouse by clicking on the “pencil icon” which comes when hovering the mouse on the option.
Please note that when you change the warehouse, the inventory will automatically go back to the original warehouse and be deducted from the newly selected warehouse.
How to get your support tickets resolved faster
Statistics have shown that providing detailed information when reporting an issue can significantly expedite the resolution process. Therefore, we kindly request the following when submitting a ticket:
1-Please include any relevant screenshots. A picture can often convey more information than words alone.
2-If you have recorded a video demonstrating the issue, please attach it to your report. A video can provide valuable insights and help us better understand the problem
We recommend a free service called Loom for creating these videos. (this is a link to